In Part 1 of this article, we developed a web component for an interactive Gantt Chart. Now we will enhance the Gantt Chart component with some interaction possibilities for editing the jobs: the job bars are made resizable by mouse-dragging, and we also implement an editing dialogue that can be used to modify the start and end dates of a job. In doing so, we will continue to work with Vanilla JS and Web Components. In the end, we will look at some JavaScript libraries that can greatly simplify the effort of developing a fully functional Gantt Chart.
The following video shows what we are going to build in this article. First, we will add a drag handle on the right-hand side of each job that can be used for resizing the job bar (in the picture, it’s shown as a narrow gray vertical bar). In the next step, we will further extend the behavior of the jobs so that double-clicking on a job bar opens an editing dialogue.
Building on this, the functionality of the chart can be extended further.
Another example that is worth considering is the Bryntum Gantt library, “a super-fast and fully customizable Gantt chart suite.”
After downloading a free trial of the library, you will get a build folder with CSS and JavaScript files for creating interactive Gantt charts. You can integrate these files into your web app and then immediately configure your individual chart. A simple getting started guide provides a quick introduction to the component. For example, a basic chart could look like this with the Bryntum Gantt library:
You will learn a lot about the numerous customization options in the full Bryntum Gantt documentation. You will also explore how the tool can be integrated with popular frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, and many more or how to organize the loading and saving of data (CRUD data management).
The examples section provides a visual overview of the various features of Bryntum Gantt.
They also offer Bryntum Scheduler — a library for resource planning.
With Webix Gantt, another commercial Gantt library with rich functionality is available. The uncomplicated steps for installing, creating, and configuring a Gantt chart are documented in detail.
You can try out the tool in a full-screen interactive demo:
Gantt Charts are a valuable visualization for project management, planning, and task organization. There are many ways to integrate Gantt Charts into a web application. In the last two articles, we built an interactive Gantt Chart from scratch, and in doing so, we learned a lot about CSS grids, Web Components, and JavaScript events. If you have more complex requirements, it is worth looking at the commercial JS libraries, which are often very powerful.